Haris Epaminonda. Vol. XXXII

  • When:   May 25, 2024 - July 31, 2024

Contemporary artArt Exhibitions in BresciaBrescia

Haris Epaminonda. Vol. XXXII
Haris-Epaminonda ph. Bjarne x Takata.

From 25 May to the end of July 2024 Massimo Minini presents "VOL. XXXII" by Haris Epaminonda, the artist's third solo show in the gallery.

After "VOL. XXXI: Futurism Drama", an exhibition presented at the Museo del Novecento in Milan until 12 May, the Cypriot artist presents new works in the gallery by bringing together different materials and giving life to poetic installations in which personal  and collective memories meet. The artist creates an introspective space, rich in symbols, in which the past and the present merge in a mysterious and timeless continuum.

Haris Epaminonda Vol. XXXII
Year #51 of this wonderful adventure...
When we first met Haris Epaminonda as a promising young woman, we fell in love with her way of approaching art: her Cypriot extraction, culture and traditions necessarily led her to focus on both ancient myths and the signs of a present which is fragile yet beautiful.
On her travels, Haris carries boxes, crates, and saddlebags full of everyday objects that first capture her attention and later fuel her imagination. Objects that connect a touristy present to a past that has become mythical, if nothing else because of the time that has elapsed.
The time that goes by and recedes into the mists of memory, turning everything to dust and sand, is also the element that embeds people and things in myth.
And the colour of Epaminonda's "pastellone" works is given by a mixture of chalk and marble dust, according to an ancient Venetian formula prior to even ancient Rome. The result is a soft and dusty white which pushes the painting far away into space and time.
This concealment has been the focal point of all works by Christo, the artist that made us understand that to see deep down you have to close your eyes and free your mind from preconceptions.
If we have no hesitations, afterthoughts or fears, we set the conditions to embrace new works, which we shall feel free to
criticize only on the basis of a rationale perhaps inexplicable, not quite an act of faith, but rather of sharing, of participation: to take a firm stand based on reason.
Haris Epaminonda won the Silver Lion at the Venice Biennale in 2019

 - Massimo Minini

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Title: Haris Epaminonda. Vol. XXXII

Opening: May 25, 2024

Ending: July 31, 2024

Organization: Galleria Massimo Minini

Place: Brescia, Galleria Massimo Minini

Address: Via Luigi Apollonio 68 - 25128 Brescia

Opening: Saturday 25th May 2024, 6 pm

More info on this website: https://www.galleriaminini.it/